QWhat kind of students do you have? Are they all aiming to study abroad?

Of course, some have specific goals, such as studying abroad, but many join because they want to learn English that they can use in the future.
(Example of lesson objectives)
EIKEN® (English Language Proficiency Test®)
Study Abroad
Increased school performance
I hope I won’t be in trouble in the future.
I want him to learn academic English.
I want her to learn the right way to study English before she starts to hate it in school.
We want our students to learn English that they can use in the future, not just for fun.

QMy child is a returnee from abroad and can speak some English, what kind of lessons can he/she take?

Depending on the child’s current English ability, lessons will use materials that have been used and proven in ESL schools overseas, and all of our teachers are bilingual, so the child will be able to maintain and improve his or her English in the same learning method and environment as when he or she was overseas.

QI’d like to see you get better grades in school …

Many students who have worked hard in their lessons at CATAL and have developed good study habits based on correct learning methods say that schoolwork seems much easier. Our counselors will listen to your child’s current level and the reasons for his or her poor school performance in detail before proposing the best study plan for your child.

QIs the teacher Japanese? Why not a native foreign teacher?

Because English is their native language, foreign teachers cannot understand “how to become proficient in English” or “what is difficult for Japanese people in English”. Most of Catalyst’s teachers are based in Japan and have mastered English as a second language, making it a familiar goal for students. By sharing their diverse overseas experiences and the benefits of being bilingual, they can help motivate students to learn English.
Of course, please be assured that we hire only Japanese teachers who have native-level English proficiency (Eiken® Level 1/TOEIC score 900 or higher), are well-educated, and have a high academic background. In addition, the use of Japanese is basically prohibited during lessons, so the amount of exposure to English is no different from that of lessons with non-Japanese students.

QWhat is your teaching background?

Excellent bilingual teachers with extensive overseas experience, enrolled in Waseda-Keio, Sophia, Tokyo University, and ICU.
At least a TOEIC score of 900 or English Proficiency Test® Level 1 is required for employment.
Only those who pass a rigorous document screening, written test, interview, and group discussion will be hired.

QI am concerned about leaving my child in the care of a college student teacher.

All teaching content and teaching methods are managed by the teaching department staff, and teachers are required to report the details of each lesson to the staff each time, so the quality of the lesson will not be compromised by having a university student teach it.

QCan I specify a teacher?

Teachers are not on a full-time basis, so we are sorry, but we cannot assign them. Please be assured that our system is designed to ensure consistency and quality in lessons no matter which teacher teaches them.

QWhat is the lesson format?

Each lesson lasts from one and a half to three hours, with the end time of the lesson depending on the student’s learning content and progress. Students are seated in an open study space with no partitions, and are able to study at their own pace, making it easy for them to develop a study habit.

QIs there a break?

Once at the end of the lesson, we take a break of about 10 minutes. Sometimes we take two 5-minute breaks, depending on how the students are doing.

QWill I be in a group with students of the same level?

Students are not divided into groups based on their level. Each student is provided with a curriculum that is appropriate for his/her level, and he/she follows a different curriculum than the other students. Also, students do not get involved with each other during lessons.

QHow many times a week do I need to attend to see results?

Since this will depend on the child’s current English ability, concentration, and desired results, we would be happy to discuss this in detail with you at a counseling session.

QI am a complete beginner.

No problem at all. Many students start with the alphabet and phonics (sounds and spelling conventions).

QCan you also teach me grammar?

Of course. However, we do not ask students to memorize the syntax or explain “past perfect” or “relative pronouns” as in school English classes, but rather to repeat many activities (practical exercises) in order for students to acquire the regularity unique to English.

QWhat do you mean by learning how to “use” English instead of “memorizing” it?

At Catalyst, we give students the opportunity to “input” as much English as possible through their ears and eyes, and to “output” by actually using it. We give students the opportunity to “input” English through their ears and eyes as much as possible, and to “output” English by actually using it. We use a unique method that efficiently repeats this process to help students acquire “usable” English.

QI would like to have English conversation done, can I do it?

Yes, we can. However, the lessons do not focus solely on conversation, as is often the case at English conversation schools, but are designed to comprehensively train vocabulary, reading, listening, writing, and other skills so that the end result is high quality English conversation. The rule is that all interactions with the teacher are in English, and the method provides many opportunities for students to speak English themselves.

QCan I try a lesson before I enroll?

Yes, of course. First, you and your parent/guardian are invited to come to our classroom for a free counseling and English proficiency level check. Then, after creating a curriculum that meets your child’s level and objectives, you may take a free trial lesson. Please apply for counseling first.

QIs there an age limit to enter the school?

The target grades for CATAL are from 3rd grade elementary school to 3rd grade high school. Only the short-term courses held in summer and winter are open to 2nd graders. Please contact the school building of your choice for a classroom visit even if you are in 2nd grade or younger.

QI live in a rural area, can I still take lessons?

For those who live far away, we recommend short-term classes. We offer short term intensive classes for 2 weeks to 2 months three times a year in winter, spring, and summer. We have had students from Osaka, Nagoya, Gifu, and other cities.